Efficient time tracking is vital for businesses to ensure accurate payroll processing and other crucial benefits. While Workday HCM offers a robust solution for workforce management, some organizations have specific requirements that demand a more personalized approach. Here’s where CloudApper AI TimeClock steps in, empowering Workday HCM users to customize their Workday Clock-in/Out experience to fit their unique workflows.

Key Points

  • CloudApper AI TimeClock integrates with Workday HCM for a personalized clock-in/out experience.
  • CloudApper offers features like secure punch options, real-time timecard access, and an AI-powered HR assistant.
  • CloudApper customization benefits include user-friendly design, data capture customization and cost-effective options.
  • CloudApper AI TimeClock helps streamline workflows, ensure accurate data capture, and boost productivity.

Why Customization Matters in Workday Clock-in/Out

While the standard Workday TimeClock caters to most needs, some businesses require unique solutions. For instance, retail stores might need dedicated functionalities to track employee tips, while others require capturing offline punches for field workers. Additionally, ensuring compliance by gathering information on breaks and work hours through attestations might be essential for certain organizations. CloudApper empowers you to customize your Workday Clock-in/Out experience, leading to:

  • Reduced Costs: Streamline processes and eliminate the need for complex manual workarounds.
  • Improved Efficiency: Enhance workflows and optimize time tracking for your specific needs.
  • Enhanced Employee Experience: Increase employee engagement and productivity through a user-friendly experience.


CloudApper AI TimeClock: Reimagine Workday Clock-in/Out

CloudApper offers an array of functionalities that seamlessly integrate with your existing Workday HCM system:

  • Secure Punch Options: Provide employees with secure and convenient punch submission methods like facial recognition, QR/barcode scanning, or PIN codes.
  • Schedule Visibility: Empower employees to access their work schedules with ease, allowing them to plan their days effectively.
  • Real-Time Timecard Access: Foster transparency and ensure accuracy with real-time timecard access for employees.
  • Accrual Balance Tracking: Simplify the management of accrued time off for both employees and management.
  • Streamlined PTO Requests: Enable employees to submit time-off requests directly through the system for improved leave management.


  • Tip Tracking for Hospitality: Seamlessly store and timestamp tip data specifically for businesses in the hospitality industry.
  • Empowering Self-Service: Reduce HR workload and empower employees by allowing them to perform tasks like updating personal information or accessing pay stubs directly through the app.
  • 24/7 AI-Powered HR Assistant: Provide instant answers to employee HR-related queries with a readily available AI assistant.


Unparalleled Benefits of CloudApper Customization

CloudApper offers a range of benefits to enhance your Workday Clock-in/Out experience:

  • User-Friendly Design: Create a seamless and intuitive experience that boosts employee engagement and productivity.
  • Expanded Functionalities: Add essential features like custom fields, reminders, notifications, offline punches, bulk punches, job transfer data, and facial biometric verification to streamline workflows.


  • Effortless Integration: Enjoy a seamless integration with your existing Workday HCM system, eliminating the need for complex workarounds.
  • Data Capture Customization: Capture specific data tailored to your business needs, such as attestations or employee tip records, through customizable fields, prompts, and instructions.
  • Data-Driven Decisions: Generate custom reports and insightful dashboards to glean valuable insights into employee productivity, attendance trends, and labor costs to support informed decision-making.
  • Third-Party System Integration: Seamlessly integrate CloudApper’s custom time capture solutions with existing systems for accurate data synchronization and reduced manual data entry.


  • Cost-Effective Options: Utilize affordable Android or iOS devices for Workday Clock-in/Out, eliminating the need for expensive hardware and making it easier to set up multiple punch stations.

Unlock the Full Potential of Your Workday HCM System

Customization with CloudApper AI TimeClock is the key to tailor your Workday Clock-in/Out experience to your organization’s specific needs. Simplify time tracking, add essential features, streamline workflows, ensure accurate data capture, and prevent time theft – all while boosting productivity. With CloudApper’s powerful customization capabilities, you can optimize your Workday HCM experience quickly and painlessly.

Ready to transform your Workday Clock-in/Out experience? Contact CloudApper AI TimeClock today and explore the possibilities of a customized time tracking solution for your organization.