Delta Air Lines is facing a class-action lawsuit from a group of employees alleging they were denied overtime pay. These employees include customer service representatives at airports, reservation and sales representatives working in call centers, and tower coordinators across Delta’s hubs in the United States.

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The crux of the lawsuit lies in Delta’s policy regarding shift swaps and how they impact overtime eligibility. The suit claims that Delta’s system excludes swapped shifts from overtime calculations, even if an employee ends up working extra hours during the same workweek.

The employees argue that this policy unfairly penalizes them. Since Delta still benefits from the swapped shift being covered (by another employee), they believe the total hours worked that week should be considered for overtime purposes. The lawsuit hinges on the interpretation of Delta’s overtime contract language, specifically focusing on whether the key factor is the employee’s scheduled hours or the actual hours worked during the workweek.

This situation could be avoided with a robust AI-powered timekeeping system like CloudApper AI TimeClock. CloudApper can help companies address these concerns and ensure accurate overtime calculations for shift-swapping employees. Here’s how:


  • Accurate Overtime Calculations: CloudApper’s AI can be customized to understand organizations’ specific overtime rules, including those pertaining to shift swaps. This ensures employees receive appropriate overtime pay based on their total hours worked within a designated pay period, eliminating the confusion and potential legal issues highlighted in the lawsuit.
  • Simplified Shift Swapping with Automated Approvals: CloudApper can streamline the shift-swapping process by verifying if a proposed swap adheres to pre-set guidelines. These guidelines can ensure proper staffing levels and prevent employees from exceeding their designated hours, addressing concerns raised by both Delta and its employees.


  • Proactive Overtime Notifications: CloudApper can be configured to send automated alerts to employees nearing overtime thresholds. This empowers employees to manage their schedules and avoid unintended overtime, reducing company liability and potential future lawsuits.
  • Restricted Swaps After Designated Hours: CloudApper can be set to restrict employees who’ve already completed their scheduled hours from swapping shifts. This eliminates the scenario mentioned in the lawsuit, where an employee works extra after a shift swap but isn’t compensated for overtime.

CloudApper AI Time Clock

CloudApper AI TimeClock's QR Code Based Solution Deployment For Employee Clock-Ins at Pacific Atlantic Handling

Organizations can automate these processes by implementing CloudApper AI TimeClock, ensure clear communication regarding overtime rules, and significantly reduce the risk of errors and legal issues associated with shift swaps.  Don’t let employee scheduling confusion lead to costly lawsuits. Contact CloudApper AI today to learn how our AI-powered timekeeping system can streamline your operations and ensure workforce satisfaction.

News Source: Top Class Actions 

Take Aways

  • A class action lawsuit alleges Delta Air Lines violated employee contracts by not compensating shift-swapping employees for overtime.
  • The lawsuit affects a wide range of Delta employees, including customer service representatives, call center personnel, and tower coordinators.
  • CloudApper AI TimeClock can ensure accurate overtime calculations for shift-swapping employees, preventing legal issues.
  • CloudApper offers features like automated shift-swapping approvals, proactive overtime notifications, and restrictions on swaps after designated hours.
  • Implementing CloudApper AI TimeClock can automate processes, reduce legal risks, and enhance workforce satisfaction.

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CloudApper AI is an advanced platform that enables organizations to integrate AI into their existing enterprise systems effortlessly, without the need for technical expertise, costly development, or upgrading the underlying infrastructure. By transforming legacy systems into AI-capable solutions, CloudApper allows companies to harness the power of Generative AI quickly and efficiently. This approach has been successfully implemented with leading systems like UKG, Workday, Oracle, Paradox, Amazon AWS Bedrock and can be applied across various industries, helping businesses enhance productivity, automate processes, and gain deeper insights without the usual complexities. With CloudApper AI, you can start experiencing the transformative benefits of AI today. Learn More