Dynamic business environments require efficient and accurate time tracking – something that is crucial for reasons such as maintaining productivity, boosting compliance, and ensuring fair pay. Organizations using Ceridian Dayforce can significantly enhance employee time tracking quickly and easily using Android tablets and iPads with hrPad by CloudApper AI. Integrating Dayforce with CloudApper AI streamlines the entire time capture process and enables various customizations that HR teams can leverage. Let’s take a look at the benefits of using tablets as time clocks, the ease of Ceridian Dayforce integration with hrPad that makes it possible, and how hrPad takes HCM automation and employee time capture processes to the next level.

Key Takeaways

  • hrPad by CloudApper AI integrates seamlessly with Ceridian Dayforce, transforming Android tablets and iPads into advanced time clocks and enhancing time-tracking capabilities.
  • The customizable interface, advanced security features, and real-time data reporting of hrPad improve the accuracy and efficiency of time tracking, ensuring compliance and streamlining HR processes.
  • Using readily available tablets as time clocks with hrPad offers a cost-effective and flexible solution for organizations, leading to significant cost savings and operational benefits.

Using Android Tablets or iPads as Custom Dayforce Time Clocks


Android tablets and iPads are widely available, accessible, and cost-effective. This affordability allows organizations to implement advanced, custom time-tracking solutions without significant financial investment.

User-Friendly Interface

Tablets provide a user-friendly interface that is easy for employees to use. The touchscreen functionality and intuitive design ensure that even employees with limited technical skills can clock in and out without difficulty. This ease of use reduces training time and minimizes errors in time capture.

Portability and Flexibility

The portability of tablets allows for flexible placement within the workplace. Whether mounted on a wall or placed on a desk, tablets can be positioned in the most convenient locations for employees, enhancing the overall efficiency of time tracking.

How hrPad Makes Tablet-Based Time Clocks Possible

Seamless Integration with Ceridian Dayforce

hrPad by CloudApper AI offers seamless integration with Ceridian Dayforce, enabling organizations to leverage their existing Dayforce infrastructure while enhancing time capture capabilities. This integration ensures that all time and attendance data captured through hrPad is automatically synced with Dayforce, eliminating the need for manual data entry and reducing the risk of errors.

Customizable Interface

hrPad provides a highly customizable interface that we can easily modify to meet unique organizational requirements. We can configure the interface to include company branding, specific prompts, and additional fields required for accurate time tracking. This enhances the user experience and ensures that all necessary information is captured accurately.

Advanced Security Features

Security is a paramount concern for any time-tracking system. hrPad includes advanced security features such as face ID and geofencing to ensure that only authorized employees can clock in and out. These features help prevent time fraud and ensure the accuracy of timekeeping data.

Real-Time Data and Reporting

hrPad can even provide real-time data and reporting capabilities, allowing HR teams to monitor attendance and timekeeping data instantly. This real-time access to data helps managers make informed decisions and solve issues promptly, ensuring smooth operations and compliance with labor laws.

Benefits of Using hrPad for Ceridian Dayforce Integration

Improved Accuracy and Efficiency

By leveraging the advanced features of hrPad, organizations can vastly improve the accuracy and efficiency of their time-tracking processes. The seamless integration with Ceridian Dayforce ensures that all data is captured accurately and synced in real time, reducing errors and boosting overall productivity.

Enhanced Compliance

hrPad helps organizations stay compliant by ensuring that all time and attendance data is accurately recorded and easily accessible for reporting and audits – reducing legal risks and any penalties associated with them.

Streamlined HR Processes

The automation and real-time data provided by hrPad streamline various HR processes, including payroll processing, attendance tracking, and reporting. This streamlining frees up HR teams to focus on more strategic initiatives, enhancing overall organizational efficiency.

Cost Savings

The affordability of using tablets as time clocks, combined with the advanced features of hrPad, results in significant cost savings for organizations. By reducing the need for traditional time clock hardware and minimizing time fraud, hrPad helps organizations manage their budgets more effectively.

Seamless Ceridian Dayforce Integration With CloudApper hrPad

By leveraging the powerful features of hrPad, Ceridian Dayforce users can transform their time-tracking processes, ensuring accuracy, compliance, and efficiency. The seamless Ceridian Dayforce integration offers organizations a flexible, cost-effective solution that enhances overall organizational productivity and HR management—contact us now to learn more.


How does hrPad integrate with Ceridian Dayforce?

hrPad integrates seamlessly with Ceridian Dayforce by syncing all time and attendance data captured through the tablets directly with the Dayforce system – eliminating manual data entries and interventions while ensuring real-time updates.

Can hrPad be customized to fit our organization’s needs?

Yes, hrPad offers a highly customizable interface that can be tailored to include company branding, specific prompts, and additional fields required for accurate time tracking.

What security features does hrPad offer?

hrPad includes advanced security features such as biometric authentication, facial recognition, and geofencing to ensure that authorized employees only clock in and out, preventing time fraud and ensuring accurate timekeeping data.

How does hrPad help with compliance?

hrPad helps organizations stay compliant with labor laws by accurately recording all time and attendance data and making it easily accessible for reporting and audits. Doing so enhances compliance efforts and reduces the risk of legal issues and penalties.

What are the cost benefits of using hrPad with Ceridian Dayforce?

Using Android tablets or iPads as time clocks with hrPad is a cost-effective solution that reduces the need for traditional time clock hardware and minimizes time fraud. This affordability and efficiency lead to significant cost savings for organizations.