As a recruitment professional, I know how frustrating it gets to review hundreds of resumes. Whether you do it manually or with tracking tools, there’s always a possibility that you’ve overlooked some great candidates. So, what should you do? Well, AI resume screening is a great way to eliminate these problems and filter the best candidates among all those resumes, especially if you use CloudApper AI Recruiter’s AI-powered candidate resume screening feature. How? That’s what we will delve into along with why your HR team needs such a tool.

Key Takeaways:

  • AI can analyze resumes by understanding the contexts of the texts in resumes through NLP algorithms and find the best-matched resumes within a very short time.
  • The core problems with traditional resume screening processes are that they are time-consuming, unconscious biases creep in, and evaluations are inconsistent. 
  • AI resume screening can pre-screen candidates, do candidate matching, rank the best-fit candidates, and integrate with leading ATS platforms which results in increased efficiency, reduction in bias and HR burden, and improved candidate experience. 

What is AI Resume Screening?

AI resume screening analyzes and evaluates resumes using sophisticated Natural Language Processing (NLP) algorithms. It goes beyond simple keyword searches and uses a deeper understanding of language to identify relevant abilities and expertise, even if they are stated differently. This guarantees that qualified candidates don’t get lost in the shuffle and provides a clearer picture of who genuinely fits the bill.

The Struggles of Traditional Resume Screening

Traditional resume screening processes are flawed in many ways. Many good candidates get rejected by such a flawed system but that’s not the only problem. The following are the common problems of traditional resume screening processes:


According to Glassdoor, on average, a corporate job opening gets almost 250 applications

Time Overload

Manually reviewing hundreds of resumes requires a significant time commitment. Keep in mind that sometimes you have to do some on-the-fly tasks and when you get back, it becomes harder to get back the pace of reviewing those resumes. This takes important time away from your more strategic chores like conducting in-depth interviews and developing enticing proposals.

Unconscious Bias

Even the most objective recruiters can have unconscious biases that skew the initial screening process. When you have to finish the recruitment process in a short time, it’s only natural that you choose candidates based on stereotypical reasons. AI screening helps level the playing field by focusing solely on the objective criteria set in the job description.

Inconsistent Evaluations

Different recruiters might prioritize different aspects of a resume, leading to inconsistencies in candidate evaluation. I’m sure you’ve been through instances where the candidates you and your colleagues chose are like two different poles of the earth. This makes it difficult to fairly compare applicants.

How AI Resume Screening in CloudApper AI Recruiter Works

Pre-Screens Candidates

Before CloudApper AI Recruiter screens resumes, job applicants have to scan a QR code, a chatbot will pop up on the screen, and they have text to apply for the vacant position. The conversational AI-powered recruitment chatbot will then ask your candidates some pre-screening questions like whether or not they have a driver’s license, high school diploma, or any other things that are prerequisites for the job, and after that, the AI recruiter will ask the candidates to upload their resumes in the chat box. 


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AI in Personality Tests: The Door to a Streamlined Recruitment Process

Completes Candidate Matching

CloudApper AI Recruiter dives deeper than basic keyword searches. It utilizes Natural Language Processing (NLP) to understand the context of resumes. It looks for all the criteria required for a candidate to be recommended for the next stage of the recruitment process and picks the best candidates. 

Ranks the Best Candidates

After matching and picking out the best candidates by analyzing all those resumes, CloudApper AI Recruiter goes the extra mile to rank those candidates based on how well their resumes match the job requirements. You can see it from your recruiter profile in the CloudApper platform or we can create a dashboard for you.

Tailored to Your Needs

CloudApper seamlessly integrates with all leading ATS systems like ICIMS, Oracle, Ceridian, UKG, Workday, etc. You can configure CloudApper AI Recruiter to only collect the necessary information from the resumes and transfer that information to your existing ATS tools. 

Why Your HR Team Needs AI Resume Screening

AI resume screening offers a multitude of benefits for your HR team:

Increased Efficiency

Since the AI recruiter does all of the resume screening process and that too when hundreds of resumes are being uploaded, there will be no issue with time. Most of the manual tasks will be automated and done fast, as a result, the efficiency increases, and the time to hire candidates gets minimized.


According to Play Hunt, on average, AI saves 4 hours daily for hiring managers.

Reduced Burden

With such efficiency in screening and analyzing resumes, your HR team will be burden-free and will be able to focus on all the strategic aspects of the hiring process like how they can improve the recruitment metrics and optimize the recruitment strategy.

Reduced Bias

No matter how much you try, unconscious human bias will always creep in if you or your recruitment professionals sift through manually. AI resume screening completely eliminates bias from your recruitment process ensuring a diverse workforce and a great brand image.

Improved Candidate Experience

Since the AI Recruiting solution automates most of the resume screening tasks, you can call your candidates within a very short time, and finish your recruitment process. Candidates these days love fast recruitment processes. This ultimately improves the candidate experience which is a very important recruitment metric.


AI resume screening is no longer a futuristic concept; it is a powerful tool that has the potential to transform your recruitment process. CloudApper AI Recruiter is a comprehensive AI solution that speeds up resume screening and locates top candidates.


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FAQ: AI Resume Screening?

Q1: Should Recruiters Use AI for Screening Resumes?

Yes, Recruiters should use AI for screening resumes. AI can complete candidate matching and candidate ranking very quickly and streamline the hiring process.

Q2: With Which ATS Systems Can CloudApper AI Recruiter Be Integrated?

CloudApper AI Recruiter integrates with leading ATS platforms like Oracle, ICIMS, UKG, Workday, Ceridian, and many more.

Q3: Does AI Resume Screening Ensure Fair Evaluation?

Yes, AI resume screening ensures fair evaluation. It evaluates candidates based on objective criteria instead of stereotypical subjective choices.