Supporting frontline employees is crucial in any organization as they are the backbone of operations, often working in dynamic environments with varying shifts and tasks. hrPad by CloudApper is an innovative solution designed to empower these employees. The hrPad is a tablet/iPad-based self-service kiosk, powered by artificial intelligence, that provides a user-friendly interface for employees to manage their HR-related tasks. Seamlessly integrating with an organization’s current Human Capital Management (HCM) system, the hrPad revolutionizes HR processes, enhancing efficiency and fostering a more engaged and informed workforce.

Why Supporting Frontline Employees is Challenging?

Supporting frontline employees can be a challenging task for many organizations. These employees often work in dynamic environments, managing varying shifts and tasks, which makes it difficult for them to access traditional HR services. The nature of their roles often requires immediate responses to their HR-related queries, which can put a significant burden on HR teams. Additionally, the need for accurate time tracking, schedule management, and compliance with labor laws adds to the complexity of supporting these employees. CloudApper’s hrPad addresses these challenges by providing a user-friendly, AI-powered self-service kiosk that offers 24/7 accessibility, streamlines HR processes, and reduces the burden on HR teams, allowing them to focus on strategic initiatives rather than routine administrative tasks.

How hrPad Self-Service Kiosk Helps Support Frontline Employees?

Empowering Frontline through Self-Service Kiosk

CloudApper hrPad is a tablet/iPad-based self-service kiosk that provides frontline employees with 24/7 access to essential HR services and information. With hrPad, employees can check their schedules, request time off, view their timecards, and access their benefits. This convenient access to HR information can help to improve employee satisfaction and productivity.

Enhanced Time Capture and Compliance 

With hrPad, employees can seamlessly submit attestations, allowing for the efficient capture of critical data such as punch in/out time and pay codes. This not only streamlines recordkeeping but also ensures adherence to labor laws and employment regulations. hrPad also tracks employee work hours and breaks precisely, offering a comprehensive solution to assist with fair payroll calculations.

24/7 AI Assistant

One standout feature of CloudApper hrPad is its AI assistant, AskHR. This revolutionary addition transforms the employee experience by providing quick and accurate responses to HR queries. With hrPad, frontline employees gain easy access to HR information and services The AI assistant not only minimizes the wait time for HR support but also contributes to heightened employee satisfaction.

Accessible Self-Service 

Incorporating CloudApper hrPad on any Android tablet or iPad proves to be a game-changer for organizations with varied shift patterns and multiple locations. This AI-powered solution empowers frontline workers by granting them self-service access to crucial HR information, revolutionizing the way they interact with HR processes. Beyond streamlining operations and reducing the workload on HR staff, hrPad places control firmly in the hands of frontline workers, fostering a sense of autonomy and efficiency in managing their HR-related needs.

Seamless Integration with HR/HCM Solutions

CloudApper hrPad seamlessly integrates with leading HR and HCM platforms. This means that hrPad can be used to supplement existing HR systems and processes. This eliminates the need for manual data entry of frontline employees in complicated HCM systems.


The role of frontline employees is crucial to any organization, and their job satisfaction is directly linked to the level of HR support they receive. CloudApper AI’s solution can help bridge this gap, ensuring a connected, satisfied frontline workforce. Get started now and let your frontline employees feel valued and supported.