If your company is looking at CloudApper or Bubble, chances are that you are familiar with no-code platforms. They are the accessible software solution that allows anybody to create an application without having to write a single line of code. 

Besides empowering all users to create their applications without knowing how to code, these software systems provide several major benefits for companies.

No-code platforms empower companies that may not necessarily have the resources required to develop and manage an application. Many small and medium enterprises do not have the resources available, but with a no-code application, anybody can create an application, generally at a low cost. This means that companies can leverage their internal employees while reducing their reliance on external resources, such as outsourced developers.

Another overlooked benefit of a no-code application is that it allows a company to act fast. If your company does outsource and employ an app developer, the process of communicating needs and wants to the developer, creating the application and testing it before rolling it out can take time. No-code applications can allow users to create and test an application in significantly less time.

With fewer resources and faster results, it is easy to see why no-code platforms are increasing in popularity. With this in mind, we will unpack and look at two no-code platforms – CloudApper and Bubble to allow you to make an informed decision about the most suitable system for your company.


CloudApper is the first no-code platform that we will look into. CloudApper is a solution for enterprise mobile application development. CloudApper believes that anybody should be empowered with the ability to create applications, and a lack of knowledge or experience with development should not stop users. With CloudApper users can create cloud-based applications for use on computers and mobile devices, such as smartphones, through the no-code platform.


Bubble is also a no-code platform, to empower individuals to create applications that are ready for use quickly. A commonality shared between Bubble and CloudApper is that they can both be used to create mobile and web applications for your business. 


With an understanding of both applications we can begin a comparison based on the following criteria:


A crucial point of a no-code platform is the ease of use. Anybody should be able to intuitively use the system to create an application. 

CloudApper uses a graphical interface along with drag and drops functions to allow users to create applications. This allows users to create applications quickly without having to write a single line of code.

Bubble uses a point and click system on their web editor which enables users to create the applications they envision. The applications and workflows created can be completely customized for added flexibility.


Cost is crucial with a no-code platform. To be beneficial, it is important that the platform be cost effective for a company with limited resources, which may not have the funds required to hire a developer. Therefore the chosen system must be cost-effective. 

CloudApper uses a subscription-based payment method. At $10 per user per month, the system is cost-effective and ideal for small and medium enterprises that want to build an application with limited resources. 

Bubble has four pricing plans. The free plan includes the core platform features that the system provides. The personal pricing package is $25 per month, while the professional and production pricing packages are $115 and $475 per month respectively. Each package provides more features. This means that there is a pricing package that will be suitable for all types of companies, no matter their size. 


When introducing a new platform that employees will be using, many questions will arise that need to be answered. Therefore having the necessary support from a vendor is vital. 

CloudApper assists new users to the platform through the help of a team of customer success analysts. These skilled employees assist new users who require assistance with the applications. Webinars and tutorials are also available to users who want a deeper understanding of the application. 

Bubble provides vendor support through their help centre. The help centre provides contact details, bug reporting, and a support forum to ensure that customers get the help they need.

Criteria CloudApper Bubble
Usability Drag and drop functionality with a graphical interface. Point and click system through the web editor.
Price $10 per user per month. Four pricing packages available from $25 to $475 per month. Free package available.
Support Tutorial videos and customer support services. Customer help centre with bug reporting and a support forum.


Key points to consider when choosing a no-code platform include the price, user experience and support provided. These are crucial features to ensure positive user experiences.
Both CloudApper and Bubble provide a significant number of benefits that can greatly assist companies who require a no-code platform. However, at $10 per user per month for all of the software solutions, features and applications, CloudApper may prove to be more suitable for many companies, especially small and medium enterprises. To learn more, visit CloudApper today! 

What is CloudApper AI Platform?

CloudApper AI is an advanced platform that enables organizations to integrate AI into their existing enterprise systems effortlessly, without the need for technical expertise, costly development, or upgrading the underlying infrastructure. By transforming legacy systems into AI-capable solutions, CloudApper allows companies to harness the power of Generative AI quickly and efficiently. This approach has been successfully implemented with leading systems like UKG, Workday, Oracle, Paradox, Amazon AWS Bedrock and can be applied across various industries, helping businesses enhance productivity, automate processes, and gain deeper insights without the usual complexities. With CloudApper AI, you can start experiencing the transformative benefits of AI today. Learn More